On Thursday I kept Cheeky Monkey 1 and 2 home from school....My heart was heavy with sadness from the passing of two people on each side of our family. Head of house said "...just keep them home today." So I did. We did a bit of home schooling instead....We went to see real dinosaur tracks and had dinner at a small local restaurant who happened to have a Mom & Pop jazz duo for our entertainment....Super cute...they were.....Mom had a sultry voice and Pop played a mean bass need less to say....we had a GREAT DAY!
On Friday the world received the news about Japan....The kiddos came home from school asking lots of questions. "Did A LOT of people die?" was one of the heaviest questions. We did A LOT of praying . We prayed for the kids that were at school that now do not have parents, for the parents that do not have children, the people who now are dealing with a potential nuclear meltdown....and so on...... Through all of this we're trying to find things to not weight our hearts. It was hard. We talked about being thankful for family togetherness and it seemed to put smiles on every ones face.
We attempted to put Jordan on a plane Saturday heading to Cali for spring break...flights were oversold so he was a "no-go". Yaz and I went to wholefoods while the boys were at the airport. On our food adventure we found super cute formaldehyde-free nail polish (it's funny what things can bring simple joy to ones heart) hers was pink and mine...."Tangy" the most beautiful green I've ever seen!!! With bags of goodness and nail polish in hand.... back to the airport to pick up the boys...... Jordan was super bummed.... He was really looking forward to spring-break in Cali and now he was going to have to spend his first vacation since moving to Texas here. Head of house tried to cheer him up with thoughts of a yummy family dinner. You can always cheer up a 16 year-old boy with food...we ate dinner, talked about Japan, and prayed. Later that night....Head of house and I were watching a movie. I turned to him----"Do you smell nail polish?!??!?!" I run into Yaz's room looking for the sure mess...I begin drilling the 6 year-old as to what she painted (nothing on her nails!??!?!)...... She would NOT BUDGE!!!! I took away the polish and figured I would find out soon enough what got painted.
I found Mr-Rex this morning sporting his pink manicured claws♥ Happy Sunday everyone...from my family to yours!
This has been hard for us.....we lived in a Japanese community (Torrance) for years. Our hearts go out to them.....D'jole has been asking me about learning to speak Japanese for some time... I cook the food at home, and send them to school with traditional Bento Boxes.... we use to watch Japanese TV in L.A... and miss it deeply living here.....I've been to Japan and talked to the kids about taking them---:( JAPAN is/was amazing.......